Online Chess Training
For about 15 years I have been active as a trainer, offering professional guidance to chess players at all levels at different stages in their life. Online trainings are comfortable, fun and knowledge can easily be transmitted and saved! Do you have a specific weakness you would like to improve, simply don’t have a clue why you are stuck at a certain level or just a chess lover who is looking for some entertainment? You have found the right coach who can meet your wishes and bring your game to the next level!

Working Method
Every student is unique and deserves an individual tailored-made program. There are different type of students and as a trainer/coach I try to be as flexible as possible, listen to the requests of my students and offer tailored advice. I have received the following questions more than once:
1) I have been trying to improve by studying myself, but so far without any result. What I am doing wrong?​
The idea that you can do it all by yourself, without any help from outside, is quite typical for many chess players (including myself!). True, there is a lot of excellent written and recorded content available nowadays and I'm sure that when studying the right way you are able to get a lot out of it. However, self-study chess in this manner has a clear drawback, as your questions and doubts remain unanswered. Receiving feedback is an important part of process to grow as a player. It's about time to hire a trainer/coach!
Please send me your latest games and let me have a look or
Let's play some training games.
In both cases I will be able to determine your strength and weaknesses. We can make a selection of topics and put together a training program by mutual agreement. Homework upon request!
2) I do have specific shortcomings in my play. Can you help me?
Yes, of course! As you will find out on my publications page, I do have a lot of material on various topics. In order to improve as a player, I believe one should try develop an universal playing style. Hence, I'm offering an allround training program in which all facets of the game are being discussed. On the other hand, I agree that it could perfectly make sense investing quite some time working on improving your weaknesses. For instance, one could think of building up an opening repertoire which matches your style of play, improve your calculation abilities, mastering elementary endgame principles and developing a sound positional understanding of the game.
3) I have a tournament coming up. Are you available for coaching me during the event?
As mentioned on the homepage, I have regularly coached talented youngsters, but also a lot of amateur players have made use of my services to help them during tournaments. You could think of very concrete opening preparation, deciding on a general game approach against specific opponents and game analysis afterwards. And don't forget about the mental support too! Not only after a bitter loss a coach can be helpful, also when you are on a streak it could be very useful to have a stronger player at your side to maintain your concentration and keep the momentum of success!
4) I'm not an ambitious student, just looking for someone with whom I can have a laugh and share my passion for chess. What do you have to offer me?
Be my guest! I can take you through some absolute brilliant masterpieces from the past, show you spectacular combinations, as well as my own favorite games with some funny background stories. I also have a great collection of endgames studies for those who really appreciate the beauty of our game! Anyway, I'm open for any suggestion!
5) Do you use a rating limit accepting new students?
For me someone's level of play isn't important at all, what matters is motivation! So don't hesitate and feel free to contact me!

How does it work
Never tried an online chess training before? It's never too late to try it out! Don't worry, it's very easy! All you need is:
1) For one-on-one lessons Skype is recommended, while for group lessons we better use Zoom for a video call.
2) An account on either PlayChess, LiChess or If you don't have one, no problem. Screen sharing is an option too, though it doesn't allow you to make moves yourself.
Payment can be done upfront either via bank transfer or PayPal.

Group lessons & Webinars
Do you prefer working in a small group or looking for a more economical solution? I also do offer group lessons with video conference call. If you are with a group of chess friends this is a very convenient and relaxed way of training. For chess clubs there are several advantages organizing training sessions online, e.g.
It doesn't clash with the normal club evening, as people don't have to chose between playing a game or following a course.
Lessons can easily be recorded, saved and studied afterwards. Also nice for people who weren't able joining the sessions live.
The pandemic has a positive influence on the number of activities chess clubs can organize. Apart from training sessions/lectures there are also more possibilities organizing other type of events, e.g. simuls, blitz/rapid events and tournaments etc.

'' IM Robert Ris provides online training for our chess association. These trainings are very interactive and engaging. The subjects are exactly in line with the interests of our chess players. Robert does this with great dedication and knows how to fascinate the participants, from young to old.''